This factsheet has been prepared by the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) Legal Transition Programme (LTP), for a 2024 regional cross-border insolvency law conference hosted by the Serbian Bankruptcy Law Association (SBLA) and organised in partnership with the UNCITRAL and the EBRD. It summarises applicable insolvency legislation, and describes competent institutions, courts and insolvency practitioners in the Balkans region, including in  Albania, Bosnia, and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Greece, Montenegro, North Macedonia, Romania, Serbia, and Slovenia. It covers essential points related to the enactment of UNCITRAL Model Laws on insolvency in the relevant jurisdictions; the existence of any legal provisions in domestic law governing cooperation in cross-border insolvency; and international treaties relevant to cross-border insolvency, including treaties on cooperation in civil proceedings and/or recognition of civil judgments. The factsheet also refers to recent cross-border insolvency cases decided by competent courts in certain jurisdictions where information is readily available.